
Discussed here is the analysis of our protocol for (rapid) analysis of XES data, tailored to be for XFEL experiments. Can be generalized to other spectroscopies as well. Lots of material already discussed in [Feal18], but there without any real demonstration or (illustrated) extensive testing.

Experimental protocol

Below is the simultaneous XES/XRD protocol often used. Maybe use new figures - clearer and without copyright.


Fig. 1 Simultaneous XES and XRD.


MO diagrams and sensitivity.


Figure on description of von Hamos.

Include PS II analysis?

  • Biochem2

  • Background subtraction differences (and impact on first moments, comparisons to other groups)

  • Maybe population analysis



  • Under ‘PSII Analysis’ in introduction, I wonder if in addition to linking to PSII article, we could include a very brief overview of PSII, Kok Cycle, expected oxidation state changes with flash etc. just to prime somebody who has very little background of our example system, so they know what a flash state is,….even though the toolbox can be generalized to any sample

  • I wonder if under references, we could include an ‘additional resources’ section in which we link to articles for more detail about XES or Von Hamos detectors, etc.